What happened to Universe23?

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Four hours each day to maintain a site? Wow, I never realized the work it takes. It's like a part time job. You really have to be committed.
Four hours each day to maintain a site? Wow, I never realized the work it takes. It's like a part time job. You really have to be committed.
Indeed you do. About eight years ago I was involved in an on-line football simulation league (not fantasy football... totally different monster), and maintained a web page for my team. This involved a few hours of setup time getting the look I wanted, but once I had that it was only about an hour a week to maintain and update. No sweat! However, I was soon convinced to take over the homepage of the league, and that required much more of a time commitment. When it got to the point of taking up most of my Saturday, I relinquished my duties. What had started off as something fun to do became a dreaded chore, and that sucked all the enjoyment out of it.

I once considered doing a comic book podcast with a friend. I was listening to quite a few podcasts on the subject, and had gotten to know several of the people who did them. Before jumping in, I investigated to see how much of a commitment I was looking at. After talking to a few of the guys and hearing some of their horror stories (corrupted audio files, crashed hard drives, losing hours of work because they forgot to save) and finding out how much time they spent preparing a single episode for upload, I quickly realized that podcasting was not for me.

I salute anyone who does a regular podcast. Even if the final product is 10 minutes long, many hours could have gone into producing it.
My #2 son just recently finished designing and launching the new website home for CAT. He continues to be involved in it's evolution along with 2 other major projects getting ready for launch. He spent almost 12 hours a day and then some for months just pulling this together with his team, so I have full empathy for anyone trying to do a web site much less a podcast! I understand why U-23 is pulling back, because you truly have to have a deep interest in what you do. Cudos, DM, for all you do, hosting us on the forum and for putting forth a quality podcast! And much luck, Dan, for whatever the future holds for you.
Just for fun for you guys....want to see giant machines by CAT play Jenga? Here ya go....

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