We're gonna do what?

Maybe its just a controlled experiment to see what to expect when Fukushima finally burns through that level, or what to expect when the LHC creates a black hole in the core of the planet....lol..... What gives anyone the right to do things that could effect the innocent ppl of the planet on a global scale....who are the ones who speak for the worlds ppl as to whether things such as these should be attempted.....we ( man ) will be the destroyers of this world.... When will we learn to live with the planet instead of trying to manipulate and control it......
You guys have said it well. I am appalled they just go off and do this madness. They have NO CLUE what could happen. Science appears to have zero caps on it. No regs, no rules. And the rules they do have some idiot is gonna ignore and go do anyway! We've grown too fast and we are playing with toys that will kill us.
They're morons educated to the highest levels.

PR, we should sponsor the creation of an official Moron Degree. In that way, noone would deserve to be called a “Moron” without first obtaining that sacred certification.

However, in the mean time,...they are at least “Honorary Morons.”
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PR, we should sponsor the creation of an official Moron Degree. In that way, noone would deserve to be called a “Moron” without first obtaining that sacred certification.

However, in the mean time,...they are at least “Honorary Morons.”
Soooo many qualify!
My background is in science and I back this research which is safe.