UAP Reports at the Border

When the one "expert" said the objects looked more organic than mechanical, I think he made the right observation but came to the conclusion. The objects in the FLIR video look like birds, maybe seagulls or terns, to me. I don't see anything in that video that says "70g turn" or "1.28M."

And yes, there are seagulls in Arizona.

Almost certainly birds close to the camera.

Just going from my own experience, birds are the culprit 99% of the time, in night-vision video. More than once I have had my heart rate go up, only to see the unmistakable signs of birds in flight when the video was examined closely.

More and more, the videos I am seeing on TV and online are obviously not being vetted before being presented. Obvious "evidence that isn't" seems to be popping up everywhere. From dust "orbs" to earth bird ufos, the fakes are running rampant now. To the genpub, EVERYTHING is paranormal these days. Nobody is doing due diligence anymore.
Almost certainly birds close to the camera.

Just going from my own experience, birds are the culprit 99% of the time, in night-vision video. More than once I have had my heart rate go up, only to see the unmistakable signs of birds in flight when the video was examined closely.

More and more, the videos I am seeing on TV and online are obviously not being vetted before being presented. Obvious "evidence that isn't" seems to be popping up everywhere. From dust "orbs" to earth bird ufos, the fakes are running rampant now. To the genpub, EVERYTHING is paranormal these days. Nobody is doing due diligence anymore.
Everyone 'wants' to believe. But, having experiences myself, i am a skeptic at heart and still am. Like i've said before, i critique every thing i have seen/witnessed to a point i almost don't believe what i know i saw or experienced lol.
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On an episode of Destination Fear last year, they presented as thermal "evidence" what was clearly a butt print from a cast member leaning back on a wall. As soon as I saw it, I jumped up, grabbed our thermal camera, and made an identical one on our living room wall, much to the surprise of my wife and step-daughter, who were watching with me. My print matched theirs exactly. Theirs was also at "butt height" on the wall.

Even the folks making the TV shows are getting it horribly wrong at times.
Even the folks making the TV shows are getting it horribly wrong at times.
the TV shows are the worst now, paranormal Reality TV has become what pro wrestling was in the 70's as to whether people believe its real or not........ but in the end it is a network and really only for entertainment purposes. if it dont bring in a crowd its a loss of money, so ratings rule out in the end and everything will be exaggerated and built up to much more than it actually is. even mundane easily explained happenings will be made into something fitting the narrative. just how TV works.
Watching Jack Osbourne's show last night, I was surprised that he presented all these debunked lunar landing conspiracies. He either did ZERO research or deliberately chose to ignore the fact that all of the things he brought up have been thoroughly discredited. Sharon, his mom, refused to believe because she knew that video was terrible in '69 and the pics from the surface are super sharp. What Jack didn't tell her is that the still shots on the moon were taken with very expensive Hasselblad cameras with top of the line lenses shooting a 6x7 format - 6cm by 7 cm, a huge negative. 120 size film. NASA still has the negatives and even today, better film cameras are not made.

Jack Osbourne fell a few notches with me last night. He's only in it for the money, does zero research. Even Google lists him as a "media personality", not a paranormal investigator.
jack Osbourne fell a few notches with me last night. He's only in it for the money, does zero research. Even Google lists him as a "media personality", not a paranormal investigator.
true, but all paranormal shows are listed by their networks as for entertainment purposes only, and not as actual documentaries, even skinwalker ranches deed and business listings is as an "entertainment and production facility" purposes. maybe has something to do with the paranormal of any sort being questionable, or just the blunt fact that they are all just a money making venture and plain entertainment. i dont know how serious jack osborne is in his search of the paranormal, i think he is riding his families name and reputation/image to a degree, but as far as him falling a few notches, well he was never in my top ten as serious professionals to begin
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