Hey there guys, I wanted to reach out to see if anyone had an experience similar to me. Actually this has happened to me twice in my life, and both times in my life it’s left me shook.
When I was 12 or 13 my dad and I visited one of the Nazi concentration camps in Austria and well I was there I experienced something abnormal. After walking around the scene of such atrocities for an hour or so (and after experiencing another paranormal encounter) I couldn’t take anymore. I left my family, walked out the gate and sat on a rock, that’s when I felt it. Something was watching me, something that I could feel but not see, I felt it move, and more than anything, in that moment I knew that it saw me. I felt so cold and nauseous, and I was afraid to move because ( I feared ) that if I got up it would kill me.
Fast forward to last August, my girlfriend and I were taking a ghost tour of Salt Lake City, Utah. After we saw most of the sites on the tour, our guide took us to one last stop, Ted Bundt’s kill site at the mouth of Emigration Canyon. Everyone got out, and even though it was a warm night, I felt a chill go down my spine. Then waves of nausea hit me like a train, I braced myself and tried to breathe through it. Then I felt that same feeling, I was being watched, this time by at least three of the entities I felt at the concentration camp.
I want to make it clear that I’m both cases it was warm, and I was good health until the experience. I don’t know what it was but I know they, what ever they were, knew I was there and whatever they were didn’t want me there. Has anyone else felt something similar?
Welcome to the forum, Skeptic. I have not had this experience. Thanks for sharing yours. You mentioned you had prior paranormal events. Do you think those were related to what you experienced? Hopefully you haven’t had trouble since the last event.