Tank on the moon?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

UFO enthusiasts scouring NASA images for evidence of an ancient civilization in space believe they may have found remnants of a tank on the moon!

The puzzling oddity was initially spotted by researcher Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily, who proposed that it was some type of alien craft.

However, in keeping with the ambiguous nature of space anomalies, others had a different interpretation.

Perhaps owing to the current geopolitical tensions looming over our world here at home, some have suggested that the enigmatic anomaly may be an ancient tank!

They point to what appears to be a turret atop the anomaly as an indication that it was a tank-like vehicle that once roamed the lunar surface.

Why a lone tank would be sitting on the moon is, of course, open to speculation with the most popular theory being that there was once a thriving civilization living there.

As with all space anomalies which are trumpeted as fantastic finds and evidence for a lost world, skeptics say that the 'tank' is simply another moon rock mistaken for an Earthly object thanks to light, shadow, and an imaginative mind.

Indeed, the lunar 'tank' speaks to how, like a Rorschach test, alleged anomalies uncovered by researchers can often tell us more about the perspective of the observer rather than what is actually captured in the image.

Source: Daily Star
That could still easily be a natural rock formation. Look at some of the bizarre rock formations on Earth. Personally I feel the shape of the formation does not show distinct enough features to resemble a tank. Look at South Africa, we have a mountain that resembles a table and it's naturally formed that way. I think to start debating whether or not this is a rock formation or something left behind by some civilization, an on-site examination would need to take place. I'm gonna side with rock formation on this one :)
i don't see it on this one either Vibe
OMG, wait until Hoagland gets a hold of this image. He will drone on for hours about it being a tank, down to which type most likely. Sorry folks, I agree with Vibe - rock.

Also, there is nothing in the image for comparing size. This thing could be the size of a small office building for all we know.
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