Is there a limit to what science can solve?

Science by definition cannot prove anything.It can only make an educated guess. That guess can meet all available data, but if one piece of information disagrees, that theory is invalid and back to hypothesis stage. So a scientific "law" is something that fits the data. The Law of Gravity is what we accept unless something contridicts it, at which point it is no longer a law. So of course there are things that science cannot explain, as their is no availeble data. Ufo`s as an example.
Imo Science is a perpetual work of observation, study and research if applicable. With time and proper work, the only limit I see is our illusion of time :) Time being the limit ;) 500 years ago Magic and sorcery is today's Science. I was taught assumption is the mother of all screw ups :/
We are but ants in this universe.....idt there are laws to describe what I can't imagine :)
Just my 2 cents :)