I broke it...

I have broken toes, and the worst was my ribs twice. The first was chasing a rabbit with a butterfly net. It had escaped it's cage and I was trying to retrieve her. My foot stubbed in a rut and I went face first in the dirt. I wasn't expecting to be injured from a fall, but I cracked my ribs on the left side. The worst pain I have ever experienced, I actually cried during the exray. I rebroke them falling off my three-year-old horse. Silly thinking I could break her out myself. She went to the trainers, and I went to the dr. lol.
I don't know how I forgot my one broken rib. Only broke the one, but took me 6 weeks before I could lie flat in bed. Slept sitting up!
Child birth is the only thing I can think of that is more painful. Broken ribs are the worst