Frequently see moving stars

As others have mentioned above, download a good star map app, there are tons of free good ones.

Sky viewer is particularygood.

Satelites looks exactly like moving stars, don't forget as well some aircraft/drones can looks like moving stars with a non-blinking solid light.

It's easy to mistake man made things for ET craft. I'm not saying what you're seeing is easily explainable but if you're seeing it on a regular nightly basis that seems very unlikely to be ET to me.
There are also apps you can get where they point out where there are flights over your horizon. There’s also ones for sattelite trajectories since the open source technology for GPS is based on that stuff.

Welcome to the forum!
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As others have mentioned above, download a good star map app, there are tons of free good ones.

Sky viewer is particularygood.

Satelites looks exactly like moving stars, don't forget as well some aircraft/drones can looks like moving stars with a non-blinking solid light.

It's easy to mistake man made things for ET craft. I'm not saying what you're seeing is easily explainable but if you're seeing it on a regular nightly basis that seems very unlikely to be ET to me.

I can see why you would feel that way. However, I've seen satellites, I've seen the ISS multiple times. I've see. Apache helicopters, I've seen rows of C5M super galaxy's in the sky, I've touched a nighthawk, I saw a B2 bomber fly over head. I know the difference between normal aircraft physics and defying physics.

Those craft were so far up it was insane. I saw them entering the atmosphere because they were streaking through the sky perfectly parallel and then stop and hover then do 90 degree turns. Multiple crafts. It started with 2 but at one point it was many. I don't know of any drones that could enter the atmosphere? Don't know of any planes or satellites that can survive making entry to the atmosphere.

Don't know of any drones that can be so high and so dramatically brighter than the stars even. Then flare in and out of brightness like on the video. So bright it shines through clouds. Stars don't shine through a storm cloud usually.
So what about the long shape shifter story HJ? Since I assume that story is about a closer experience (closer than the lights in the sky), it might provide some other interesting insights too.
Thank you for asking. Sorry for the belated response I've been busy.

So I wrote that mufon article I cited about what I saw and felt from the air. I got the feeling that I should leave our what happened on the ground... Which was a close encounter of the 3rd kind on the Hynek scale. I ended up getting a call from some spooky old man asking me about the whereabouts of the experience and my whereabouts, but not any questions on the experience which I thought was odd. Said he was with MUFON.

We decided to camp overnight in a state park and we would sneak in. This was once heavily contested native ground I might add. It was the Tonkawa hunter gatherers and the Apache nation that fought along the river we were camping on. As well as the settlers.

We hiked into the camp and saw a single strike of dry lightening. The sun had gone down but the moon was bright. There was no clouds in the sky at that time anywhere that could be seen. Clouds only began to blow in from the south many hours later. About 7 hours later clouds came in. I am aware lightening can miles in front of a storm but this wasn't even a storm, literally just the only clouds began blowing in 7 hours after this lightening. In Texas you can see the sky very well, the first Spanish explorers noted that "it felt like you were in a bowl looking up." Just putting into context this peculiar lightening strike.

I remark to my friends that dry lightening is associated with UFO activity. Foreshadowing what would happen later that night. We make camp and build a small fire to keep the wild boar away, our only weapons are 2 machetes. We are less than a mile from a major highway if we needed to walk out, it would only be minutes. But that wasn't the plan, no, the plan was to stay until sunset and enjoy the sunset then head home when it starts to get hot.

About an hour after we make camp, a volley of .45 caliber handgun shots ring out really close to us. We didn't hear any projectiles or twigs snapping or anything really except the gunshots. We freeze. I throw dirt on the fire instinctively and kill the music to listen.... Silence.... "We are on the edge of the property line of the park" I whisper, " maybe someone just having fun at night?". "Maybe someone shooting at hogs" my friend chimes in. Maybe a warning shot to warm intruders (us) at night not to come further. Maybe shooting at something that wasnt quite of this world... We wait anxiously for any other clues. Nothing. The coast is clear it seems. So I rebuild the fire from the embers and we turn a little music back on. It's a weekend, people shoot guns at night all the time unfortunately but we have about a like 50 foot cliff at least to our back, and we are on the highest position of the river. Intentionally. We can see all around us except behind us towards the cliff. If anyone or anything tried to come at us from this massive clearing we will see them... Wouldn't want to be walked up by a hobo or anything. Funny we had the instinct to look out for something beforehand hand as well.

We decide to stay because everyone but me has a good feeling. I start to feel like something is wrong and it wasn't the gunshots, although that was disconcerting for sure. But we weren't going to go on that property so we would be fine. My friends break out a bottle of whiskey. I refuse the shot, I say "I feel like I am going to need every sense to be at it's best." Nothing has even happened since the weird gunshots like an hour ago. Just the sounds of nature. But start to have this feeling like 20 minutes after that something else was there. I have this feeling that something nearby was listening to us... Like we were prey kind of? We begin talking about some pretty heavy stuff. Human consciousness, thought layering of our perceptions, visualizing our position in the solar system and galaxy. Then you try and project that outwards towards space. It's not the same as astral projection but it's similar, it's just visualization like I said. Then you try and manifest love as best as you can. I had just read this online and then heard of it being done by Buddhist monks, so I gave it a shot with my friends. During this conversation I felt something getting closer and more intensively listening to us. I began to literally feel it watching over us, reading our minds, hanging on our every thought and word. At this point we decided to go down the hill and look at the moon by this massive tree just stood out. A dead tree but it still connected to us somehow like we really liked it. The thought of this tree and looking at the moon in this big clearing made me On our way down we started by following what 3 of us including myself thought was JB. We followed him in the moonlight through the waist high foliage. He stopped for a few seconds and let us get closer then kept walking. We follow him another 15 yards or so and he stops again. This time he lifts his left arm out straight and turns his head using his arm to cover his face like a vampire. We make eye contact and I stop in my tracks, something is off... I shout " hey **** I know you can hear me, I can feel you listening to us." It keeps walking forward in between two large shrubs in the clearing, really the only foliage in the entire large clearing. He stops for a 3rd time and stands still waiting for us to get within 2 yard or so. JB, who we are following, does a clean tuck and roll into the bushes to the left and disappears. We all freeze. JB is a heavier set guy, he couldn't do that... After this point everyone has their own version of events. I will tell what I experienced. At this moment my friends hear a inside joke we have with one another, trying to affirm it's one of us. I hear a scratchy "hey c'mere" I take a step or two towards the bush so I could see through the leaves with the moonlight and I see 2 long slender grey arms in a ape like stance with no visible hair I could see. At this point I scream " **** this! It lead us here! Into the very steps we are standing!" And I take off sprinting towards the exit of the park. My friend L comes running after me asking what I am talking about and to not run out into the city because it might be dangerous and that we need to stick together. I get this feeling that I need to shed as much light on this situation as possible, literally. I was going to put tea candles everywhere to make a perimeter. I had a feeling to stay moving! Very important feeling, urgent, almost like my life depended on it. L says he need to urinate and I see him walk up to the bushes and begin.
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I run to the top of the hill, I meet L walking in from the side not from down where I was down there. I asked him where he had been and why he was coming from the side, he says he got really confused and lost and no one was around him and then his leg fell in a hole. There are leg sized holes around the area for sure that go very very deep, so deep you can't see the bottom in the day. Then he told me a grey hand reached out and grabbed bis hand and when he looked up he was looking at himself and then immediately walked off down the hill. He naturally freaked out and still in a daze walked forward towards camp where I met him. At this time J has a a conversation with L at the bottom of the hill, L is asking where I am at. J said he saw a black blob in a kneeling posture stand up and use a white phone to cover it's face and he saw the light coming from the screen onto what was L coming out of the edge of the foliage on the edge of the clearing. J assumes L is coming from urinating but then after the conversation he turns around and walks back into the foliage. J comes up the hill and meets me, JB, and L. J asked L why he asked where I was just now at the bottom of the hill, and how did he beat him up the hill when he was just walking the opposite way down there? L says he never did and I confirm we have been here talking for a few minutes. Further his phone is black not white! J had no knowledge of that, so it knew what we knew and used it against us. We realize we are being infiltrated. We start asking each other which conversations we had or hadn't actually had with one another after we were split up by the freaky thing we we had mistaken for JB who was actually behind us the entire time.

We decide we have to stay within visual sight of one another. But we are terrified and we feel trapped. We turn on some led zeppelin and try to calm down. It had been avoiding open confrontation lurking around in the foliage. Maybe we would be safe if we stayed together? We hear loud hoofing like a bipedal horse coming from around us. Not a boar that's for sure. Around this time these two bright lights began doing circles literally right above us and it left us in awe. One flew over the horizon then flew right back in like 5-10 seconds. Then the orange slow moving craft came flying overhead on a straight path. The two white orbs were wobbling back and forth left to right while moving straight. They would stop instantly or would take 90 degree turns going full speed. It was literally like a air show... Then more started coming in, raining in while in formation through the atmosphere streaking white then coming to a stop in an instant and hovering before beginning wobbling and zooming around. At one point one seemed to almost teleport, like a star being flicked by god literally what it looked like. The light would zoom across the sky in an instant and then be completely still instantly, much faster than the two doing circles above us. We watched this for a long time. Over an hour. We the. Saw a super bright one come from behind us fly way high up over head and then come to a complete stop in an instant and hover there for hours. It was still there when we left. That was what we got on video. I felt very threatened by what was on the ground but whatever was in the sky I felt very connected to and I felt like they helped. I got the feeling someone was looking back at me staring at them. Like they were helping us in this battle some how.

Was this thing a Native American summoned cryptid like Texas goat man a creepy pasta, or a inter-dimensional being, a shapeshifter, a grey, a reptilian, a spirit? Unexplained. I have pictures or my friends legs afterwards and he got a rash and had strange triangle puncture pattern on his foot that healed very quickly.
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I felt afterwards thankful we stayed the entire night because of the intensity or the air show which I felt was personally for us or at least acknowledging us. I felt a connection and even in the mufon report I said I felt like energy burst through my body at one point when staring trying to make a telepathic connection with the very bright craft. I had been hoping to see more after seeing them for years in this area as have others reported. I felt very blessed to see this in front of me like a huge affirmation.

Edit: this took forever to write on mobile my hands hurt lol.
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I felt afterwards thankful we stayed the entire night because of the intensity or the air show which I felt was personally for us or at least acknowledging us. I felt a connection and even in the mufon report I said I felt like energy burst through my body at one point when staring trying to make a telepathic connection with the very bright craft. I had been hoping to see more after seeing them for years in this area as have others reported. I felt very blessed to see this in front of me like a huge affirmation.

Edit: this took forever to write on mobile my hands hurt lol.

Holy Jeezers HJ. That was a massive experience.

Did you guys ever talk about the shapeshifter experience after you got home?
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Holy Jeezers HJ. That was a massive experience.

Did you guys ever talk about the shapeshifter experience after you got home?
Yes definitely the only friend I still talk to is L and he definitely remembers it. Like I said that everyone has their own version of events after he rolled into the bush. Never experienced anything like that before or after. I'm sure they remember it too.
L's foot and they cut down the tree very soon after. I recovered a piece. The wound on L's shin further up is healing naturally and he already had that. The wounds on his feet healed very quickly you can see already healing somewhat by morning.


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L's foot and they cut down the tree very soon after. I recovered a piece. The wound on L's shin further up is healing naturally and he already had that. The wounds on his feet healed very quickly you can see already healing somewhat by morning.

Oh whoa! The whole experience is surreal for sure.
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