Do Parallel worlds exist?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
This Scientific Theory Could Prove Parallel Worlds Exist! -

Quantum mechanics is a strange beast. A special kind of strange beast. Even those who study the weird and wonderful field of physics are perplexed by the way the laws of our universe seem to break down when you observe things on a quantum scale.

Particles can exist in two places at once. The universe doesn’t really care which way time runs.

And then there’s the parallel universe theory.

It’s a direct result of some of quantum physics’ strange, mind-bending concepts like the Copenhagen and Many Worlds interpretations.

In a nutshell, the theories propose that a separate universe is created each time a quantum measurement, decision or event takes place. For example, there is a universe where 9/11 was foiled before it happened and there’s also a universe where Angelina Jolie reads this blog post and contacts me asking if I’d like to be her best friend.

And if that’s mind-blowing to you, wait till you hear this new potential theory that could shift the very foundation of how we view the universe.

It’s known as the many interacting worlds hypothesis and it’s about as mind-blowing as it sounds. The concept is that parallel worlds exist not in distinct bubbles that never interact but rather as the exact opposite — They exist on a quantum level and are detectable.

As reported by RT, this could explain some of the very strange things we observe at the quantum level.

It’s also testable, unlike the Many Worlds interpretation. In that theory, we would have no way of reaching those other worlds since everything we did would take place in our universe.

But according to the many interacting worlds interpretation, these other worlds are all around us.

Howard Wiseman, physicist at Griffith University in Australia, was one of the physicists to propose the many interacting worlds hypothesis. He proposes that there is a “universal force of repulsion between nearby worlds that tends to make them more dissimilar.”

In other wor(l)ds, the changes that occur in parallel universes cause them to spiral and become vastly different than each other with time.

And while we don’t know for certain that this theory is true, Wiseman says that “the idea of interactions with other universes is no longer pure fantasy.”

So maybe one day I’ll actually be able to take a peek at the universe where Angelina Jolie and I are BFFs.

If that’s not reason enough to support scientific research, I don’t know what is.
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Reactions: Kirose
Good post. I may have to watch that video a couple more times.
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Reactions: Debi
Well that was a good simplification of a hard to understand theory. It is fascinating but my brain is going to explode now.
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