Darth Vader...on Mars?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

An eagle-eyed anomaly hunter has spotted what may be the weirdest and possibly most worrisome oddity yet to be found on Mars: Darth Vader's head!

While studying images of the Red Planet captured via NASA's Mars Spirit Rover, researcher Scott Waring noticed this remarkable formation which bears a striking resemblance to the iconic movie villain.

Fortunately, fears that the leader of the infamous empire of Star Wars lore is lurking on Mars can be put to rest as Darth Vader is both a fictional character and the anomaly actually measures less than an inch across.

In Waring's opinion, this indicates to him that the curious cranium came from an diminutive alien species that probably only measured a mere four or five inches tall.

Aside from that fantastic interpretation of the image, an alternative conspiracy theory could be that the oddity truly is the head of Darth Vader, in the sense that it came from a long-lost action figure left behind by a child who somehow found themselves on Mars.

That would, at least, account for the anomaly's tiny size, although how a youngster toting an action figure wound up on Mars takes quite a bit more work to explain.

Unlikely to subscribe to either of these theories are skeptics, of course, who point to pareidolia as being behind the presence of 'Darth Vader' on Mars.

For the sake of our planet's future, let's hope they are correct, lest it turn out that Earth is sitting in the crosshairs of a death star.

Source: UFO Sightings Daily
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Well there is a conspiracy theory that star wars was based on the secret space program :D
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