Dark Matter could be a cosmic relic from extra dimensions

You're not the only one, haha. Each time I read the article, I feel that little more confused lol.

*Patiently waits to see if someone can explain it in simple terms*
We need someone like Michio Kaku to translate that one!
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dark matter we currently detect in the universe
How are we detecting what we have no idea what it is .
Saying dark matter is gravity and its gravitons traveling threw extra dimension that this influences to hold our galaxies together .
Not black holes or mass not to mention what extra dimensions the ten string theory thinks are there or what extra then they state this .
The main advantage of massive gravitons as dark matter particles is that they only interact gravitationally, hence they can escape attempts to detect their presence," Cacciapaglia said

So are they saying that dark matter is a black hole , they seems to contradict there self a few tines think they threw this together to make other theory's work .
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