Be Honest...

You are very right. You need to share how to over-ride the fear reflex.
I'm not sure it is possible to over-ride the fear reflex. I never knew how I would react (fight or flight) until something happened and I found that I am a fighter, but I think first, evaluate and then act. It is kind of weird but the time it takes is a lot less than you think to evaluate. If you know you are a flight person then you have to make yourself remember that running from a wild animal, or dangerous dog is more dangerous than stopping or baking up facing the animal. I grew up with dogs and was taught that, then a few years ago a neighbor had a dog that his wife would just let out to roam the neighborhood and he would come to my yard and challenge me. I knew that it's behavour was fear based so I just walked towards it telling it to get out of my yard. I usually yelled louder as I got closer to the dogs yard as it backed away, so that it's owners would know that I won't put up with it. That method works with bully men too but I know that would not work with a bear or a snake. Every incident has to be evaluated differently.
I looked down at my Rum and Coke - set it down - and went inside.. lolol

On the other hand - I ran into a BIG old Black Bear during a snowstorm when I went to feed my neighbors little weeny dogs for him... He was between me and my only access to the road (car) close enough I could see the red and white hair close to his hide when the wind blew... I froze... literally, one foot in the air, judged the distance back to the barn, the distance between me, him, and that walk bridge I needed to access... froze some more (he's sniffing the air now - and some electrical impulse in my brain had me running right past him to the bridge, up the inclination, across, down, and the quarter mile to my car - without ever looking back. Him? Oh, I'm sure he was wishing I'd go home so he could access the 50 lb bag of dog food those squirrel thingys weren't gonna challenge him for... So, in conclusion... your guess is as good as mine. :p
The following happened to me years ago when I was about 20 years old. I will skip the boring explanation of why I was where I was.

It was around midnight on a moonless night in Sonoma County, Northern California. I was alone walking along a road on this moonless night. It was dark as hell and all I could see was the edge of the road at my feet. The only structure was my friend's house about 100 yards behind me which I had just left "to go for a walk" (stupid me). The road was flanked by cow pastures on both sides for miles.

I blissfully walked along, thinking I'd go a mile or so and then return and go to bed. But, I began being aware of a foul smell that seemed to be coming from ahead and just to the left of the road.

As I continued, the smell got worse and worse. It smelled like sewage. A lot of it. I thought some animal must have died alongside the road and I kept walking. But, the odor grew even worse and now I began perceiving a feeling of fear and dread come over me. There was no reason for it. The smell was terrible but why was I feeling fear? No reason to be afraid of a bad smell, I thought, But, the feeling grew more intense as I continued walking.

Then, I stopped. Whatever this was -- the stink and this feeling -- just wasn't getting any better and I decided the thing to do was turn around and go back. So, I did just that at a brisk pace. By the time I reached my friend's house the smell and feeling were gone and I went to bed thinking I'd check out what was causing that smell in the morning.

The next morning I retraced my steps from the night before but there was no dead animal and no bad smell. Nothing that would explain what I experienced the night before. Just fresh country air, trees and grass. Whatever had caused that awful smell was gone.

Now, I never saw a thing so I can't say "I saw bigfoot," but the other aspects of the experience do match BF encounters that I have read and heard about. So, I strongly suspect that is what I encountered on that night, BF sightings have been reported in that area before and since.

So, anyway, to answer the question posed on this thread, I'd say it depends a lot on the details of the situation. My impression of my experience is that both the smell and the unreasonable emotion I felt were intentionally caused for the purpose of getting me to leave the area.

And, it worked. :)
It was good to come back and re read your account Crux, thanks for reposting this link. New members will enjoy this thread.

Collapse to the ground and play dead :D :p ;)