Are we ready for a woman as President?

No and no to curandero81 . I'm staying out of this one because ..<lengthy getting into it part redacted>.

I still vote, even though at this point there is nothing for me to consider. But I will not throw a constitutional right away, since that will just make it easier for them to take that one away in the future too. Peace.
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woman or man, it will not make a difference. we have generations of the "gimme" people that will vote with whoever is giving more to them. The leaders today are no more than bought and paid for clowns. We have about 50 years before this country goes belly up. Thank God i will be dead and buried by then. Then the bleeding hearts can really know that there plans do not work.
Amen. I just dont understand why they don't get it yet. Take a peek over at Europe.. With each election more people from the Gimme Party vote!
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I am not a Hillary fan at all. Neither do I agree with everything Fiorina has put out there.
I have a flat out trust issue with Hillary, and personally don't want to see another Clinton in the White House.
I agree. And I will add that after reading the books by kathy O'Brien, with supportive divination validating her stories about the Clintons, Bush, and many world leaders, my mistrust for hillary-dikery-dock is negative x72....
access denied kathy o'brien 1.jpg
trance 2 kathy obrien.jpg
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I just can't in good conscious vote for either one. If there is a third option, I'll go there.
I have voted third party for President. Some people say it's throwing away a vote, but I think it's voting without feeling dirty when you leave the booth.

Edit: Yes to a female President, but only if she is qualified and not named Clinton. There has been a meme recently that we should elect Hillary simply because it's time for a woman to be President, which is as ridiculous as anyone voting for Obama simply because of his color. If you can't vote on merit, then don't vote.
I have voted third party for President. Some people say it's throwing away a vote, but I think it's voting without feeling dirty when you leave the booth.

They should start putting the voting booths right next to those HAZ-MAT decontamination chambers (you know the ones with the emergency shower) :D
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They should start putting the voting booths right next to those HAZ-MAT decontamination chambers (you know the ones with the emergency shower) :D
The two stations then could be connected together via enclosed tube, with a center booth for exit polling. I highly recommend a strong exhaust fan at this station, to keep the flies from reproducing because of the likely media presence.
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The two stations then could be connected together via enclosed tube, with a center booth for exit polling. I highly recommend a strong exhaust fan at this station, to keep the flies from reproducing because of the likely media presence.
Adding that into the patent? ;)
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