A haunting at Vibe's...

Experiences in the Flat

This past week has had some very interesting occurrences. So as mentioned in an earlier post, when my gran was living in the flat by herself she reported hearing a man with a bad cough in her room. Given her progressing dementia we didn't take much interest in this claim. She moved out of the flat and into the main house, and me and my girlfriend moved into the flat and shortly afterwards my girlfriend also heard the coughing.

On Tuesday afternoon I was busy showering and my girlfriend was laying on the bed reading. I heard a strange sound coming from the bedroom that sounded like choking, so as I poked my head out the shower to ask my girlfriend if she was okay, she called out to me to ask if I was okay. I asked her why and she said it sounded like I was groaning. I told her I though she was choking but she denied it. So now we both heard this strange sound (clear as day by the bathroom door) and both of us are denying making the sound.

On Wednesday morning after I had left for work, my girlfriend said she woke up in bed and it sounded like someone was breathing right next to her and looking at her. She also said it felt like someone was on the bed and she thought I may have over slept. But she also said this feeling of being watched gave her a very uncomfortable and negative feeling.

Given these recent events, I'm going to try set up some audio equipment to run over night and see if anything can be captured.
You might want to say a few prayers, Vibe. Just as an extra set of protection for girlfriend and gran!
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You might want to say a few prayers, Vibe. Just as an extra set of protection for girlfriend and gran!
I do and I have a crucifix placed in the room. But as for my gran, we doubt she's going to see the end of next year given her recent state. Old age is catching up to her quickly. But I was just thinking now, long before she started slipping into dementia, my gran would often speak to herself, but I mean like full blown conversation as though someone else was in the room. I'm starting to wonder now how long this 'entity' has been in her flat and if that isn't who she was maybe talking to?
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Wow Vibe sounds like you really do have something going on. If your gram has a lucid moment ask her.

Please be careful. Sounds like this is not a nice entity. It may have had a neg health effect on your grandma too
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Stronger Activity

On Friday night one of my gran's poodle's passed away after we took her to the vet to get treated for her sudden decline in health. As it's happened in the past when a pet of ours dies, the paranormal activity flares up quite a bit and I think that's what's happening now. Last night while brushing my teeth I saw my girlfriend's towel in the mirror fall off the railing on the wall. I asked her if she hung it up properly and she insists she did (and from what I can recall when walking into the bathroom, it was hung up properly).

My girlfriend also claims that something does not feel right in the flat, as it feels like there's always someone watching and following you around, and I have felt the same thing too lately. It's especially bad when walking through the flat to go to the main house, it feels like someone is walking right behind you. My girlfriend is also experiencing some vivid paranormal dreams lately which she hasn't given details yet and she has never experienced this before.

If history dictates anything here, it's that there is a high chance more pet deaths are going to occur soon. The reason being we have one Yorkie that's 13 years old and almost in the same frail state as my gran, and we all think he could be the next one to pass. The other poodle may also be close to passing but there's uncertainty. If this is the case I think the paranormal activity is going to spike significantly if it's already picking up the way it is now.
Vibe it’s time to get proactive with the house blessing and such.

I’m with Lynne on that Vibe. If you’re feeling at risk or even just uneasy in your own home, don’t be shy about asking for help.

It sounds like the activity is impacting more than just you. So if you’re not asking for help yet but instead allowing the activity to grow rather predictably after each pets’ passing, please be certain that everyone else that lives with you is on board with the same tactic. If the strength increases, it might be harder or take longer to get rid of whatever it is later.
Well our old priest is back for a bit so we will try and get him to bless the house ASAP before he leaves again.

I think you’re offering that there could be a connection between the pets - or death - and the activity in the home. Here’s an experimental thought for you Vibe - an idea which you alone cannot control but could be interesting based on timing of events.

So if your priest’s intervention just happens to take place soon, you might see if the paranormal activity stops or slows. If you are unfortunate enough to lose another pet after that, you might be able to see how activity there changes afterwards.