2-8-2018 Thursday Live Chat Thread

We are going to take tonight off and regroup tomorrow. It's been a very long day.
Same here. I guess the past few days has sucked for all of us :/
I’m so smudging my house tomorrow. So much fighting with my sis here :eek:
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well ive done all i can do ive iven him until summer to get something figured out and thats it what he does and how he does it are on him but i told him im leaving at thats it
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Boys, I send you love and healing tonight. But I am headed off to do some self healing of my own this evening I WILL be here tomorrow night.
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Well gang I guess I'll see you tomorrow. And I hope everybody here has a better tonight and a better tomorrow.:)

So, I went to the zoo yesterday. It was so lame, absolutely terrible.
They only had one animal there.
It was a shitzu.
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I see there’s no show tonight. Sorry to hear debi you are all I’ll again. It’s afwul.
Watching the Olympics