
  1. 7Critter

    Feel Good OBE Story

    I listen to many people tell of their out of body and near death experiences. This retired nurse tells of her experience and asking those on the other side to let her remember this experience. She tells us why ( in her opinion ) that she had this experience and a bit about her philosophy of...
  2. jayiniowa

    The Voice

    It's probably been 20 years ago now, my oldest kids (24,22) were still really young. I was working third shift, and would get off work at 6 am, and usually be in bed by 7:30. One morning, I get home and go to bed as normal. A couple hours later I sat up in bed, and floated, in a seated...
  3. garnetsilver

    Is This Possible?

    Lately, I have been dreaming a lot about being in other countries. In the dreams, I am always disheveled; still in my nightgown and robe, with my hair messy as if I had just risen from my bed. The people around me seem to wonder what I am doing there, sometimes they interact sometimes I am just...
  4. 7Critter

    Is astral projection real?

    The idea that humans can leave their bodies during dream states is ancient. Countless people, from New Agers to shamans around the world, believe that it is possible to commune with cosmic intelligence through visions and vivid dreams experienced during astral projection, also known as...
  5. 7Critter

    12-11-2017 Monday Live Chat Portal

  6. 7Critter

    5-27-2017 Saturday Live Chat Thread

  7. 7Critter

    4-15-2017 Saturday Live Chat Thread