
  1. garnetsilver

    An Angelic Intervention

    One year hubby and me were moving out of state. After three days on the road, we had rented a hotel room in the new state, and put all our stuff into storage until we could find an apartment. So we turned the truck over to the U-Haul place, unhooked our car from the back, and were headed back...
  2. Child of God

    Seeing & Hearing my "Guardian Angel"

    This is a true story about seeing and hearing an angel whom I consider to be my "Guardian Angel.” It is written for the love of all angels. Psalm 34:7. The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them. Shortly after Jesus had found me, I saw a spirit's profile...
  3. 7Critter

    7-25-2017 Tuesday Live Chat Thread

  4. 7Critter

    6-23-2017 FRIDAY Live Chat Thread

  5. Debi

    8 yr. old performs miracle w/help from Angels

    8-year-old boy says 'angels' helped him save his father's life An 8-year-old boy in Idaho says angels helped him lift a car off his father's body to save his life. J.T. Parker was working on a Toyota Prius with his 17-year-old brother Mason and their father Stephen at their Sugar City home...