HAARP is up and running....again


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
HAARP To 'Make The Sky Glow' With Radio Waves Over Western Arctic Starting Thursday – Disclose.tv

Over four nights starting Thursday, an Alaska scientist will try to create his own artificial aurora that could be visible as far away as Yukon. The experiment is out of the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) Observatory at Gakona, Alaska, and is planned for 9:30 p.m.

Chris Fallen, an assistant research professor at the Geophysical Institute of University of Alaska Fairbanks, will attempt to create the artificial airglow in the sky.

"It's sometimes called the artificial aurora or radio-enhanced aurora or radio-enhanced airglow," Fallen said. "What that means is that powerful radio waves from the ground, from a facility like HAARP, can make the sky glow." Fallen is investigating which transmissions make the artificial auroras the brightest. "The reason why certain types of radio wave transmission cause the upper atmosphere to glow the same colours as the natural aurora is a process that's not very well understood," he said.

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So....the timing on this is interesting! It takes a few weeks to get this thing up and running, and just look at the weather and earthquakes. (Conspiracy theories here we come!)
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Yeah certain kinds of radio waves. That's typically Gamma radiation striking earth's magnetic field
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ok this is really peculier timing and a little concerning to say the least if in fact this thing really does as some have suggested
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Sadly for the conspiracy theorists, HAARP has no potential to affect weather. The frequency of energy that HAARP transmits cannot be absorbed by the troposphere or the stratosphere, only by the ionosphere, many kilometers higher than the highest atmospheric weather systems.

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I find it serindipitous that the guys last name is "Fallen".